I have attended the same church my entire life. I have attended the same Christian school for a little shy of seven years. I have heard the same teachings, the same mindset, the same do's and don'ts ever since I was a little kid. Before, I listened to them, understood them, gave into them, and fully accepted them, but as I grow and learn more about my faith and this "religion," I can't help but question the numerous things I have been told.
Now, don't get me wrong, the people that have raised me and taught me in the church are wonderful people with good intentions, but I can't help but wonder if they truly know what they are talking about. Have they spent numerous hours studying the Bible? Have they researched the theology and historical truths behind the Bible stories they try to make relevant to our lives, or have they just read a simplistic, one sided teaching from their Sunday school teacher workbooks the night before?
These questions have been stored in my mind for quite some time now and I am just beginning to become comfortable with sharing them. In my opinion, I feel like many, not all, "Southern Christians" (I say these certain Christians because that's who I'm usually around) look at current issues in the world and cram them inside a tiny box that fits inside their world view. Many "Southern Christians" I have spoken with give simplistic, black and white answers, but to tell you the truth, I don't think many issues in the world are black and white. I think a lot of the time, people don't know the answer so they give a simple one that doesn't fix the issue at all. Things are complicated in the world and, in my opinion, I don't think it's helpful when people are closed minded and unwilling to take other people's opinions, thoughts, and possible solutions into consideration.
Recently, I have been questioning so many things about the modern church. I believe that it has good intentions and it can be extremely helpful to believers, and even non-believers in the way the church gives, but I still think there is a lot to be done to make the church better. I believe that the church should have better open-mindedness. I believe that Bible stories and simple verses should not be taken out of context and shallowly applied to our lives today. I believe the teachings given should be less self-centered and more God-centered and I believe that the church should be more open to talk about these issues.
I would like to remind whoever may be reading this that these are my own opinions and beliefs, my own questions and wonderings (well, for now, they may change in the future, who knows). You may not agree with them and you may totally agree, it's completely your call; let's just remind ourselves to be thankful that we can share with each other and grow side by side, voicing our opinions to each other calmly and respectfully and taking both sides, all sides, into consideration.
With so much love,
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