

It's my third week being back at school. I wish had better things to say. I wish I had the thoughts and words that would inspire you to stay positive and joyful about your schooling or work schedule, but I don't. I have been drowning in tests, quizzes, homework assignments, projects, soccer practices and games. That's just the reality.

The funny thing is we choose this stress. We choose to take the hard classes and the extracurriculars and the going out when our eyelids are already heavy from the lack of sleep we got the night before.

Today, so many of us pile on one thing after another without even thinking. We feel as if we always need something to do or it's like we are wasting our life. Why is that? Why do we always have to be doing something? When are we going to take some time to just sit, reflect, and think about life and the opportunities and joys and hardships it brings us?

I challenge you and myself to try and empty our busy schedules. Let's take some time and just soak in the do-nothing days; the days we all too quickly take for granted; the days that many of us are longing for right now. Life isn't about always doing something. Take some time. Sit back. Relax.

With Love,

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